Not only does the Foundation hold and manage funds for organizations and donors, we also make direct grants to community nonprofits from our funds. We are pleased to announce the 2015 spring grant recipients. The Foundation awarded $25,000 from the Economic Development and Fund for Bartlesville grant funds. “The Foundation commends all our applicants for their good work in the community,” says Shawn Crawford, Executive Director of the Foundation. “We are striving to expand our grants even further in the coming years. This year’s recipients have outstanding programs and impacts.”
All Bartlesville non-profits that meet the grant criteria are eligible to apply. A grant committee comprised of board members and community volunteers review the applications according to the criteria and recommend the grants to fund. The board of directors then approves the final grant amounts and recipients.
In the area of Economic Development, the Foundation awarded three grants to Family Crisis and Counseling, Boys and Girls Club, and Martha’s Task. The Economic Development Fund seeks to support the charitable work of community nonprofits that help to improve the economic success of people in Bartlesville, especially those of moderate to low income. This can be achieved through direct support of individuals or initiatives that create access to crucial services like housing, transportation, health care, education, and job training.
The Fund for Bartlesville awarded four grants to Run the Streets, Boys and Girls Club, Family Promise of Washington County, and Martha’s Task. The Fund for Bartlesville seeks to support the charitable work of community nonprofits and to recognize excellence in addressing community needs.
Donors can make contributions of any size to our grant funds to help support the nonprofit community. Learn more at or contact Shawn Crawford at 918.337.2287.