The Bartlesville Community Foundation, in partnership with the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits, will be presenting “10 Best Practices for Best Board Performance” on Thursday, April 20th from 10 am to 1 pm at the Bartlesville Public Library. Lunch is provided.
In just three hours, you will walk away with tips, sample policies and templates, advice and the confidence you need to make your board a valuable asset to your mission, your organization and your staff. The workshop will demonstrate practices that can be implemented to ensure high-performing board members, including how to best “on board” new board members and utilize board self-assessments. It will also discuss ways to use committees to support board work. The workshop seeks to help attendees institute a culture of accountability through board expectation commitments.
The workshop will be presented by Katie Spaulding. Spaulding is a nonprofit management consultant specializing in board education. Previously, Spaulding served as the Director of Programs for Northeast Oklahoma at the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits. She is a BoardSource Certified Governance Trainer with extensive knowledge in an array of general nonprofit issues and experience relating to nonprofits throughout Oklahoma. In addition to her talents in the area of nonprofit management, Katie has served as an adjunct professor of Art History and Humanities at Oklahoma City Community College and Tulsa Community College.
Please RSVP by April 17, 2017 to Anne Swearingin at 918-337-2287 or The cost of the workshop is $5.