Roll Family (2015)

Paul Roll and Narnie Woddail were married in 1950 in Dallas, Texas. They met through the airline industry: Narnie working for American Airlines and Paul for Braniff. Paul would eventually leave the airlines to begin Fidelity Underwriters insurance agency.

Paul’s business brought the family to Tulsa in 1956. In 1962 he sold the business to purchase two nursing homes in Bartlesville, and in 1969 he built Heritage Manor as well as Heritage Apartments. Paul and the family moved from Tulsa to Bartlesville in 1973. Paul and Narnie’s children, Lisa, Kevin, and Lori have become an integral part of the family businesses, with the entire family working together to make decisions.

Narnie is an accomplished musician, with a degree in piano from Texas Women’s University. She is renowned for playing at special events and venues all over Bartlesville, and she was the first female guest conductor of Bartlesville Symphony in 2000. Narnie is a Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary, served on the original advisory committee for OK Mozart, and was honored with Paul by the Allied Arts and Humanities Council in 2006 for their support of the arts.

Paul has also been active in the arts, serving as the first President of the Tulsa Ballet, and chairing the Bicentennial Oklahoma “Four Moons” Ballerina Festivals. He is past President of Bartlesville Civic Ballet and the Arts and Humanities Council. Paul was President of Bartlesville Rotary Club in 1992-93 and is a Paul Harris Fellow.

Lisa Roll danced professionally for 20 years. She has Master’s degrees in Counseling/Psychology and Movement studies; as a licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Dance/Movement Therapist, she has worked with Samaritan Growth and Counseling Center for 17 years. She is married to Rod Harwood.

John Kevin Roll is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy and the USAF Fighter Weapons School. He led combat missions over Iraq and Bosnia and was responsible for air power over Korea as Director of Combat Operations for Air Component Command. Kevin was Chief of Flight Operations and Training for HQ Air Combat Command, retiring as a Colonel in 2004. He now works as a private flight instructor and defense contractor. His three children are Jonathan, Justin, and Jessica.

Lori Roll graduated from the University of Tulsa with a degree in Journalism and Public Relations and served as Assistant Press Secretary to U.S. Sen. Henry Bellmon and was Washington Correspondent for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Lori is currently President of Phoenix Insurance in Bartlesville and has served on community boards including the Bartlesville Public School Foundation, Boys and Girls Club, Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra, Bartlesville United Way, Bartlesville Development Authority, and Rotary. She has one son, Kade Skoog.