Grants FAQ
General | Project Timeline | Narrative | Budget | Scoring/Review | Reporting | Tips
Who is eligible to apply for BCF grants?
Any 501(c)(3) nonprofit or tax-exempt organization is eligible to apply. Affiliates and components of the BCF are also eligible. Individuals are not eligible.
What is a component fund?
A component fund is a subset of the BCF that has been established by an individual, family, organization, or group of donors who have specific charitable goals or interests they want to pursue.
Is there a restriction on the geographic area that our grant must serve?
While your organization can serve a wider geographic area, your grant request must focus on the Bartlesville area, unless otherwise specified in the grant description. Make sure you explain what your presence in Bartlesville is, and cite specific numbers, if possible.
Can we apply for multiple grants?
You can apply to as many grant funds as you are eligible but only one application per grant. We highly recommend that you do not submit the same request to different grant funds.
What is the difference between an Operating Grant and a Program Grant?
An operating grant will fund the general operations of the nonprofit, such as the day-to-day expenses of the office and staff. Whereas, a program grant will fund something that advances the organization’s mission, such as a new initiative or item to help their clients.
How do I know if my organization is exempt from a 990?
Some churches/religious institutions or, in some cases, nonprofits with gross revenue of less than $25,000 may not be required to file a 990. For more information, visit this IRS website.
How do I know if my organization is exempt from the Oklahoma Secretary of State Solicitor Certificate of Registration?
If your organization solicits or accepts contributions, the State of Oklahoma requires that you apply for the Solicitor Certificate of Registration and renew it annually. The only organizations exempt from this certificate are churches, schools, and universities. For more information, visit the Oklahoma Secretary of State Charitable Organizations website. Refer to this SOS Directions Graphic which shows where to go and has an example certificate.
Our application was denied in a previous grant cycle. Can we submit the same application again?
Yes, but we encourage you to make updates to ensure the information is relevant and ask if there were any specific reasons it wasn’t funded the first time.
Our organization received a BCF grant in a past cycle. Can we apply again?
Yes, you may apply again unless the grant discloses a restriction. See the Service League Grant for example.
Do I have to use the online application system?
Yes. All applications must be completed online, and the required uploads must be in pdf format.
Can I use AI, such as ChatGPT and Bing Chat, to write my application?
AI can be a helpful tool to assist you in your writing. However, it’s essential to remember that it should complement your expertise and effort, not replace them entirely. Grant applications require a deep understanding of the project, the granting organization’s priorities, and a personal touch to make a compelling case for funding.
When is the application submission deadline?
We have a spring and fall grant cycle every year. Open dates and submission deadline dates can be found on the grants home page.
Can I save my application and come back to finish it?
Yes. At the bottom of the application, you’ll select the “Save and Continue Later” link. It will take you to that grant’s home page where you will then need to scroll to the bottom and enter your email address. A unique link to your application will be sent to you. The BCF does not have access to any saved work or to the unique link. If you lose the link, your work is also lost.
How do I convert my Word document to a pdf?
Option 1: Open your Word document and select “Save As.” There will be a dropdown menu with file format options. Select “pdf” and save.
Option 2: Open your Word document and select “Print.” There will be a dropdown menu with a choice to “Save as pdf”.
What are my obligations as a grantee?
1) You must use the grant funds for the specific purpose as stated in your application. Any change in the use will require prior approval from the BCF. If your application is awarded, but for unforeseen circumstances the project cannot be completed by the reporting deadline, please contact our office. If your project cannot be completed, funding should be returned.
2) If you have any funds left over, you must contact the BCF to see if those must be returned or if they can be used for a similar purpose.
3) Promote the BCF’s support of your project in any promotional materials about your project. We will provide you with a BCF logo.
What if I don’t know an exact date that our grant funds will be needed?
The date can be an estimate. However, the date should be no more than 6 to 8 months from the application submission deadline.
What is the deadline for spending the grant funds?
Your grant funds must be spent early enough for you to implement your project and give a good evaluation of the results, because your evaluation report will be due the following December (for fall grants) or June (for spring grants).
Is there a deadline for completing our project or program?
All projects must be completed within one year. Not only must your funds must be expended, but enough of your project must be complete so that you can report on the results by that one year deadline.
Are there page limits on the narrative attachment?
Each grant has its own page limit requirement, and it is stated in the application.
Can I include graphics in my narrative?
Graphics, such as photos and charts, are encouraged to illustrate data and help reviewers visualize your project or product. Just make sure that they don’t cause your narrative to exceed the page limits.
Do the grants require a match?
The Allied Arts & Humanities Grants require a match of 50% or greater. This match can be achieved by operating dollars by the organization, other grant dollars, and other donor commitments. The other grants do not have a match requirement.
Does the balance of funding for my project need to be in place by the time I submit my application?
No, but if sufficient funding is not secured to fulfill the grant awarded project, any grant dollars awarded should be returned to the BCF.
Who reviews and makes decisions on the grant applications?
A committee made up of community volunteers and BCF Board members reviews and scores the applications. They make award recommendations to the BCF Board. The BCF Board makes the final award decisions.
How are the grant applications reviewed and scored?
The review committee uses these Guidelines as they review the grant applications.
When will the grant awards be announced?
Grant decisions will be made in October (for fall grants) and March (for spring grants), and all grant applicants will be notified by email.
If our application is not selected, will we be given feedback?
You are welcome to contact the BCF for feedback.
What are the reporting requirements for the funded grants?
Grant awardees are required to complete an online grant report form. The report will ask how the funds supported your request, what the outcomes were, whether the outcomes were as you expected, and how you might change the project in the future. We also ask that you submit photos to supplement the report.
When will grant reports be due?
A report will be due after you’ve implemented your project or no later than one year after funding (December for fall grants or June for spring grants).
- If your organization serves more than the Bartlesville area, make sure you explain what your presence in Bartlesville is. Cite specific numbers, if possible.
- As you complete your narrative, remember to include the questions as headers.
- Go through the application and copy all requested information onto a word document. Answer all questions in that word document so you can save your work as you go. When you have answered everything to your satisfaction copy and paste answers into the online form. Save the word document for the next time you submit a grant for that project so you don’t have to start from scratch.
- Use Google Chrome or Safari internet browsers to complete grant applications.
- Call the BCF at 918.337.2287 if you have any questions.
- Keep apprised of future grant opportunities by signing up for our monthly newsletter, The BCF Bulletin.