Fund for Bartlesville
The Fund for Bartlesville seeks to support the charitable work of community nonprofits and to recognize excellence in addressing community needs.
This spring grant cycle looks for applicants with the most innovative proposals in the areas of programs, new initiatives, or capacity building. Organizations may request up to $2,500 in their proposals.
Questions and request for details are welcome. Contact the BCF at 918.337.2287.
PRO TIP: Go through the application and copy all requested information onto a word document. Answer all questions in that word document so you can save your work as you go. When you have answered everything to your satisfaction copy and paste answers into the online form. Save the word document for the next time you submit a grant for that project so you don’t have to start from scratch.
Please use Google Chrome or Safari internet browsers to complete grant applications.
Application form will appear here when this grant is open.