Lou Skurcenski Memorial Scholarship
The family and friends of Louis Skurcenski created this scholarship in his memory in 2006. Lou was employed for 34 years as an analytical chemist for Phillips Petroleum Company. A former college athlete and member of the Phillips 66ers Basketball Team (which dominated amateur basketball for 40 years), Lou was a tireless supporter of youth sports in Bartlesville and spent countless hours as a coach, mentor, volunteer, and fan. He also enjoyed tutoring and encouraging students in the pursuit of science and business. After a 12-year battle with cancer, Lou’s life was cut far too short. He is remembered for his dry sense of humor, encouraging spirit and optimistic outlook in all situations.
Award Details:
$2,000 payable as 25 percent per semester for the first two years, as long as a 2.5 or higher college GPA is maintained. You may be invited to reapply for scholarship dollars for the second two years.
This award is presented each year to a college-bound senior who is a student-athlete (high school), and who embodies the qualities of a natural leader — integrity, good sportsmanship and a positive attitude — qualities which made Lou a beloved part of many lives.
Applicants will be judged on scholastic achievement, community involvement, sportsmanlike conduct and leadership, service to school, service to the community, and congeniality with students, staff, and faculty.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Bartlesville High School graduating senior (or re-applying college student who has maintained a GPA of 2.5 or higher)
- Unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Participating in high school athletics
Required Addendums:
- Two essays of 200 to 500 words, addressing the following:
- Essay #1: What are your post-college goals, and how will a college education help you achieve those goals?
- Essay #2: Please also respond to one of the following essay topics:
- A positive influence that helped you succeed
- A recent obstacle you overcame and how you handled it
- How your college experience has changed you (only answer this question if you have been invited to reapply for the scholarship)
- Two letters of recommendation: one from the applicant’s school counselor, and one from any unrelated community member, teacher, mentor, etc.
- Copy of submitted FAFSA
- Official Bartlesville High School or college transcript
Read more about Lou Skurcenski HERE
This application is now closed.