Sean Conover Memorial Scholarship

Sean Conover Memorial Scholarship

Sean Conover

Sean Conover

Neal and Mitsuye Conover established the Sean Conover Memorial Scholarship in memory of their late son Sean. Sean was a freshman at Oklahoma State University, returning home to Bartlesville, when he was killed by a drunk driver. He was a bright student, a talented musician, and a kind human who was loved by all who knew him.

This scholarship is for seniors graduating from a high school in Washington County. The students must be hard working, respectful to teachers and classmates, serious about school work, and must have financial need.

Award Details:

Up to $1,500 payable.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Graduating senior from a high school in Washington County
  • Record of successful AP course completion
  • Hard working as evidenced by extracurricular and work experience
  • Financial need
  • Planning to attend university, college, or trade school
  • Well-written essay, describing your goals, perspectives, and values

Required Addendums:

  • Two letters of recommendation:
    • One letter must be from a teacher at the applicant’s school
    • One letter must be from a counselor at the applicant’s school who can comment on the applicant’s attendance and tardy record
  • First page(s) of FAFSA Submission Summary, up to and including the Student Aid Index number. Refer to FAQs for more information.
  • Official high school transcript with ACT score

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